About the Project
In 1989, Pat Price was held against her will in a highly-regarded mental health institution in Dallas, Timberlawn Psychiatric Hospital. With the facility close to bankruptcy, doctors and administrators discovered she had the means to pay for treatment indefinitely. They held her for two terrifying weeks while they tried to have her committed for unnecessary long-term treatment.
Pat’s time at Timberlawn continues to haunt her today. Through Surviving Timberlawn, a documentary film currently in pre-production, she's ready to tell her story, the stories of those who suffered similar abuse, and shed light on a mental healthcare system that prioritizes profits over patients.
Were you or someone you know a patient or staff member at Timberlawn in the 1980s and 1990s? This space is for you, too. Your story matters. You can tell it here.
Pat's Story
Learn more about Pat, what she experienced and how she's starting — and changing — the conversation.

Surviving Timberlawn Blog

For my birthday, the friends who suggested the photo for the cover of my blog gave me a book called, Forced Into Treatment. The title made think the book was an argument against forced incarceration, or people held against their wills in psychiatric hospitals. Great, I thought. Someone has documented this. There’s another voice out in the wilderness!